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Godot Engine 4.4 Released

After more than 6 months of improvements and with close to 3000 commits, expect a range of quality of life improvements in this release. Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

Integration of Jolt Physics engine.
- Add 3D physics interpolation.
Embedded game window into the editor.
- Add 2D batching to the other rendering backends.
Ubershaders and pipeline pre-compilation.
- Add AgX tonemapper option to Environment.
- Implement typed dictionaries.
- Several core and editor optimizations for better performance.
- Faster imports using the Betsy texture compressor.
- Move GodotSharp to .NET8.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 4.x are almost compatible with Godot 4.4, because this is not a major version (as Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0). For most games and apps made with 4.3 it should be relatively safe to migrate to 4.4, but check the Migration Guide from Godot 4.3 to Godot 4.4 for some breaking chnages and the Official Documentation for more info.

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 3.6 Released

After 2 years of development, Godot 3.6 is finally out and it comes fully packed with features and quality of life improvements! Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Add 2D physics interpolation.
- Add hierarchical culling for 2D items that are off-screen.
Tighter shadow culling.
- Add comprehensive system for mesh merging.
- Discrete level of detail (LOD).
- Vertex cache optimization.
Light probes and directional shadows performance improvements.
- In-editor documentation for Editor Settings.
Updated toolchains for official builds.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.5.x are compatible with Godot 3.6, because this is not a major version (as Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0) and is a recommended upgrade for all 3.5.x users. Check out the Official Documentation for more info.

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 4.3 Released

With over 3500 commits authored by over 500 contributors, the latest Godot Engine release comes packed full of new features and improvements. Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

Huge improvement to pixel stability for pixel art games.
- Add Direct3D 12 support for Windows and Wayland support for Linux (experimental).
TileMap layers are now exposed as individual TileMapLayer nodes.
- Implemented 2D physics interpolation.
- Add interactive music support.
New Parallax2D node available.
- Several rendering and shaders improvements.
Fixes for invalid/corrupt scenes.
Automatic checking for engine updates.
Editor theme and UX improvements.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 4.x are almost compatible with Godot 4.3, because this is not a major version (as Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0). For most games and apps made with 4.2 it should be relatively safe to migrate to 4.3, but check the Migration Guide from Godot 4.2 to Godot 4.3 and the Official Documentation for more info.

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 4.2 Released

Following the pattern of a new version every 4 months, the Godot 4.2 is released with several improvements and with a focus on stability! Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Add AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 (FSR 2.2).
- Several rendering optimizations.
- Add 2D HDR rendering.
- Several improvements on TileMap Editor, including per-tile flipping and rotating.
- Add forced integer scaling.
- Improved gamepad support.
- Add a new lightmapper denoising approach.
- Better animations under the new AnimationMixer node.
- Add navigation mesh baking for 2D.
- Editor quality of life improvements and fixes.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 4.x are compatible with Godot 4.2, because this is not a major version (as Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 4.1 Released

After 4 months of Godot 4.0 release, the Godot 4.1 is released with several improvements and with a focus on stability, performance and polish! Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Optimize Node children management.
- Implement Vulkan pipeline caching.
- Add shader cache to GLES3.
- Improve the Gradient2D editor.
- Increased feature parity between C# and GDScript.
- Editor quality of life improvements and fixes.
- Fixed a large amount of multi-threaded loading issues and limitations.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 4.x are compatible with Godot 4.1, because this is not a major version (as Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 4.0 Released

After 4 years of development and with 1,500 individual contributors, the the wait is over: Godot 4.0 released! This release is more of a great rebuild than a regular update, having changes and improvements in all areas of the engine! Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- New Vulkan renderer.
- Highly improved Lighting & Shadows.
- New rendering optimization techniques.
- Enhanced mid & post-processing.
- New and improved 2D tilemap editor.
- Better atmospheric effects and addition of Volumetric Fog.
- Addition of Decals and collision on GPU particles.
- Imporoved Shader editor and extended Shader language.
- Support of Compute Shaders for better performance.
- Improved GDScript and port to .NET 6 the C# version.
- Replaced Bullet engine to Godot Physics.
- Improved Physics API, with multithreading and performance optimizations.
- Extended language support and easier translation workflow.
- Better and improved Navigation System.
- Addition of OpenXR and XR tools.
- Simplified Multiplayer development workflow.
- Cleaner sound and built-in polyphony support.
- Enhanced Animation editor and new Tween system.
- Several editor features, widgets and improvements.
- Multiple window support and UI editor improvements.
- New theme editor and text rendering system.
- Improved Android and Web support.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.x need to be migrated to Godot 4.x, which can be cumbersome and complex, depending on the size of the project. Check the Godot 4 Migration Guide and Official Documentation for more info.

With the release of Godot 4, Godot 3 continue to be supported for a while, being considered an LTS (Long Term Support) version and with some features or bugfixes being backported from Godot 4.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Godot Engine 3.5 Released

In parallel with the development of Godot 4.0, the dev team released the Godot 3.5 version ater 9 months of development with some great news. Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Asynchronous shader compilation with caching (ubershader).
- New NavigationServer with obstacle avoidance using RVO2 library.
- Add physics interpolation for 3D.
- Add OccluderShapePolygon for 3D.
- New tweening class with SceneTreeTween.
- Add Label3D and TextMesh to display text in 3D scenes.
- New Time singleton for a better reading of the current OS time.
- Add possibility of accessing nodes by unique names.
- Android port of the Godot editor.
- New features for Version Control Systems (VCS) integration.
- Add GradientTexture2D and OccluderShapePolygon (3D).
- Optimized line drawing in 2D.
- Improved ColorPicker presets.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.4 are compatible with Godot 3.5, because this is not a major version (as Godot 2.1 to Godot 3.0 or for Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0 when it is released), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 3.4 Released

After some months of development, Godot 3.4 is released. Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Add frame delta smoothing option.
- Rooms and portals-based occlusion culling.
- Add soft shadows to the CPU lightmapper.
- Improved input handling.
- Make all file access 64-bit for handling files bigger than 2.1 GB.
- Overhaul the theme editor and improve user experience.
- Backport improved glTF module with scene export support.
- Add ring emitter for 3D particles.
- Improved 2D editor zoom logic.
- Fix audio cubic resampling algorithm.
- Add support for physical scancodes, fixes non-latin layout scancodes on Linux.
- Add support for Dynamic BVH as 2D physics broadphase.
- Fixes to 2D and 3D KinematicBody move_and_slide and move_and_collide.
- Export HTML5 game as Progressive Web App (PWA).
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.3 are compatible with Godot 3.4, because this is not a major version (as Godot 2.1 to Godot 3.0 or for Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0 when it is released), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 3.3 Released

After more then 7 months of development and several releases candidates, Godot 3.3 is released. This version was initially planned as 3.2.4 but with the high number of new features, it was renamed to 3.3! Godot loosely follows Semantic Versioning with a major.minor.patch version system as detailed on Godot Releases Policy (the 3.x version is a long-term support - LTS). Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Improvements to 2D GLES2 batching and add 2D batching for GLES3.
- New software skinning for MeshInstance.
- Add option for snapping 2D transforms to whole coordinates.
- Configurable amount of lights per object.
- New CPU lightmapper.
- Improvements to the HTML5 plataform, as threads, GDNative and AudioWorklet.
- Better Web editor.
- Modernized multi-threadings APIs
- ARM64 build and code signing for macOS.
- Dynamic BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) for rendering and Godot Physics.
- Add support for the Android App Bundle format and new plugin API for iOS.
- Improvements to Godot Editor and scripting.
- Minimap support in GraphEdit.
- Improved FBX importer.
- New AspectRatioContainer Control node.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.2 are compatible with Godot 3.3, because this is not a major version (as Godot 2.1 to Godot 3.0 or for Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0 when it is released), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 3.2 Released

Godot 3.2 is a "long-term support" (LTS) release until transitioning to Godot 4 in the next months. This release brings a more polished and user-friendly interface with several new featuresCheck the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Support for pseudo-3D depth in 2D.
- Support for generating audio procedurally and analyzing audio spectrums.
- WebRTC support.
- Mono/C# support on Android and WebAssembly.
- Support for texture atlases in 2D.
- Major improvements to the visual shader system.
- Improved visual scripting.
- Support for enabling/disabling parts of the editor or specific nodes.
- Improved GridMap editor.
- MSAA support in the GLES2 renderer.
- Improved convex polygon decomposition.
- Better GUI anchors and margins workflow.
- AR/VR: Oculus Quest and ARKit support.
- Better built-in documentation.
- Several bug fixes and improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.1 are compatible with Godot 3.2, because this is not a major version (as Godot 2.1 to Godot 3.0), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation for more info. 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 3.1 Released

The release of Godot 3.1 comes one year after the release of Godot 3.0 with more of 7000 commits, bringing a more polished and user-friendly interface, adding new features, as well the return of OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer (very optimized for performance on low end devices or WebGL). Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Added OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering support.
- Added 2D and 3D CPU accelerated particles.
- Readded Visual Shader editor with new PBR output nodes.
- 3D soft-body physics support.
- 3D ragdoll system.
- 2D meshes and skeletal deformation.
- 3D Inverse Kinematic.
- Various improvements to KinematicBody2D.
- Added Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).
- A revamped inspector with several usability improvements.
- New FileSystem dock.
- Improved Animation editor and AnimationTree.
- Optional static typing and warning system in GDScript.
- New and improved TileSet editor.
- Improved 3D editor grid.
- Support for BPTC texture compression.
- Support for WebSockets.
- Added Project Settings tooltips.
- Several bug fixes and improvements.

Projects comming from Godot 3.0 are compatible with Godot 3.1, because this is not a major version (as Godot 2.1 to Godot 3.0), with minor adjustments to some function parameters. Check the Official Documentation also. 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 3.0 Released

After one and a half years of development, the long awaited version 3.0 of Godot Engine is available! The Godot Engine 3.0 has a new graphics engine (GLES 3.0) with several improvements for 3D rendering besides a redesigned and more modern editor. Check the Godot Official Announcement and the Godot Changelog for more info:

- Brand new 3D renderer featuring physically-based rendering, real-time global illumination and improved post-processing effects, using OpenGL ES 3.0 (Mobile) and OpenGL 3.3 (PC).
- GDNative to load native code as plugins.
- New shader compiler that is mostly based on GLSL ES 3.0.
Entirely new audio engine with buses and realtime effects.
- New 3D physics engine using Bullet.
- Improved memory management architecture with better performance.
GPU accelerated particles.
- Support for C++ (GDNative), C# (Mono) and Visual Scripting.
- VR and AR improvements, including support for OpenVR, OpenHMD and ARKit.
- Support for onion skinning.
- Automatic import and reimport of assets.
- Autotiling for 2D tilemaps.
- Support for 2D soft shadows.
- Enhanced debugger with remote SceneTree edit.
- Better and improved built-in documentation.
- Several usability improvements in the script editor such as code folding and customizable themes.
- Simplified and more flexible export system using presets.
- Improved HTML5 export using WebAssembly and WebGL2.
New high-level networked multiplayer API with IPv6 support.
- Several bug fixes and improvements.

Projects from Godot 2.1 are not compatible with Godot 3.0, as many things changed in the Godot API as well as in GDScript. There is no porting guide for now (only some Migration Notes), but there is an export tool in Godot 2.1.3 and later which can be used to export 2.1 games to the formats expected for Godot 3.0, helping in the migration process (check the Official Documentation also). 

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine (MIT). It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

Godot Engine 2.1 Released

Version 2.1 of the Godot Game Engine is released, with several usability and editor improvements (check the Godot News for more info):

- Drag & drop support and contextual menus in the editor.
- Several usability improvements in the script editor.
- Live script editing.
- Custom themes support and customizable keybindings for the editor.
- New asset sharing platform.
- Dynamic font support (TTF or OTF files).
- Fully internationalized editor UI.
- Improved profiler.
- HiDPI/Retina support.
- New plugin API.
- Improved asset pipeline and resource previews.
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements.

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.

ZEEF Godot Engine

Check this nice ZEEF curated directory with several resources, tutorials, scripts, demos and games related with Godot Engine.

ZEEF is a place where you find and create lists of links about your favourite topics. It's a very powerful way to share information where everybody wins!

Godot Engine 2.0 Released

The Godot Game Engine reaches version 2.0 with many new features (check the Godot News for more info):

- Improved scene instancing and scene inheritance.
- Editor with new layout and theme.
- Live scene editing.
- New tools layout with Output Console, better Debugger and Animation Editor.
- New text-based scene format (.tscn).
- Multiple scene editing support.
- Onready keyword and singletons.
- Very improved gamepad support.
- New file dialog and filesystem dock.
- Improved code editor.
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements.

Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.