Vibrant Recycling 1.1.2 is launched, with several tweaks and better compatibility with smartphones and tablets!
Version 2.1 of the Godot Game Engine is released, with several usability and editor improvements (check the Godot News for more info):
- Drag & drop support and contextual menus in the editor.
- Several usability improvements in the script editor.
- Live script editing.
- Custom themes support and customizable keybindings for the editor.
- New asset sharing platform.
- Dynamic font support (TTF or OTF files).
- Fully internationalized editor UI.
- Improved profiler.
- HiDPI/Retina support.
- New plugin API.
- Improved asset pipeline and resource previews.
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements.
Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.
this nice ZEEF curated directory with several resources, tutorials, scripts, demos and games related with Godot Engine.
is a place where you find and create lists of links about your
favourite topics. It's a very powerful way to share information where
everybody wins!
The Godot Game Engine reaches version 2.0 with many new features (check the Godot News for more info):
- Improved scene instancing and scene inheritance.
- Editor with new layout and theme.
- Live scene editing.
- New tools layout with Output Console, better Debugger and Animation Editor.
- New text-based scene format (.tscn).
- Multiple scene editing support.
- Onready keyword and singletons.
- Very improved gamepad support.
- New file dialog and filesystem dock.
- Improved code editor.
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements.
Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel.
Vibrant Recycling 1.1.1 launched, with minor tweaks!